• “This amazing process completely changed my life."

    Eileen Day McKusick, author, TUNING THE HUMAN BIOFIELD

  • POTENTIATE YOUR DNA “is a gift of love, offering to all a simple, profound, elegant system of personal empowerment and self-healing."

    Carolyn Barnes, author, RETURN TO EASE

  • POTENTIATE YOUR DNA “is both fascinating and an astounding, perhaps even world-changing theory."


  • "If you love the cutting-edge of the cutting-edge, read POTENTIATE YOUR DNA!"

    David Kamnitzer, DC, San Jose, California

  • "Regenetics should be the starting place of every health practice."

    Julie TwoMoon, NMD, Plymouth, Michigan

  • "This is revolutionary healing science expanding the boundaries of being."


  • "The highly effective Regenetics Method opens the door to a completely new kind of mind-body-spirit medicine."


  • "The Regenetics Method is personal evolution accelerated."

    Brendan D. Murphy, Sydney, Australia

  • "Regenetics has been the holy grail for me."

    Darlene Crystal, West Harrison, New York

  • "Your work is truly inspiring in how you were able to interpret the Law of One, Sound and Light."

    Paulette Hansen, Crested Butte, Colorado

  • "The Regenetics Method has taken me into a new level in my own consciousness."

    Amanda Velloen, Pretoria, South Africa

  • "I believe Regenetics is worth more than you are charging. It is so clear that it works, and even the sequence and timeline are accurate."

    Beverly Welbourne, Goshen, Ohio

  • "If you wish to have a greater conscious experience of yourself as a spiritual physical being, the Regenetics Method is definitely for you."

    David Masson, Montreal, Canada

  • "Regenetics has tremendously improved my work as a therapist as well as my personal relationships. As a fringe benefit, I'm often told I look ten years younger!"

    Angelika Wienrich, London, United Kingdom

  • "I have just completed the fourth activation of the Regenetics Method, and immediately I had a totally new perception of Oneness."

    Peter Shepherd, Neuilly, France

  • "I highly recommend the Regenetics Method. It is effective and efficient, and is also a great value!"

    Lillian Bajor, Los Angeles, California

  • "This one modality directly and permanently promotes transformation at the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. I am forever grateful I found Regenetics."

    Martha Snee, Wood-Ridge, New Jersey

Testimonials - Page 3

Thank you for a most graceful entrance into my Potentiation process. I shared the experience with two other people, one receiving Potentiation and one who was seven months into it, and found that the combined energy and intentional bond we formed brought us all to a state of ecstasy. When the session ended, nothing but radiant bliss was pulsing through my body. I felt moved to embrace the person I was sharing the experience with and we both felt the energy magnify. Ive been in the holistic field for many years, and Potentiation has been one of the most profound processes Ive ever experienced. Jeff Calegari, Novato, California

Im definitely feeling a shift since my Potentiation two weeks ago. Many 'stuck wheels' have begun to move again in my life. I feel strangely 'uplifted' from inside out, as if something almost structural is being built. This is accompanied by a sense of stability and support Ive never felt before. Prior to my session I felt I was sort of 'crumbling' inside, but now I feel Im 'rebuilding.' This change is very obvious. Emotionally, Im doing better than Ive done in a very long time. Many issues Ive struggled to understand for years have suddenly been made clear to me. Ive also gained a more profound awareness of Christ presence through this work. I dont mean that dogmatically. Ive worked with the best energy/spiritual healers on the planet over thirty years, and Potentiation definitely rates among themwith the distinct difference that this also feels like something tangible is being constructed. Potentiation is certainly the 'reset' you call it. Lana Houston, Black Mountain, North Carolina

Since Potentiation I generally have a sense of greater wellbeing, stronger workouts, less sugar and food cravings. I seem to be taking better care of myself, extending myself a certain tenderness, suffering less anxiety. It feels good! Constance Ensner, Asheville, North Carolina

My experience of Potentiation was both subtle and powerful. During the early phase, the first few months, I felt an unusual sense of happiness and peace and an overall subtle shift inside me. Then, as the process unfolded, I realized my food allergies had completely disappeared! Id tried other treatments with limited success, but with Potentiation I gradually noticed I could enjoy food that would have normally caused headaches and spaciness. Very remarkable! Ellen LaPenna, Asheville, North Carolina

Im noticing a subtle but powerful shift. The best I can explain it is that the frequency at which Im vibrating is changing again. Im definitely moving to a higher vibration. And I feel this is definitely tied in with Potentiation. Bob Kaplan, Asheville, North Carolina

What do I feel is different since last weeks Potentiation? There will be a big layoff soon where I work, but I feel much lighter, calmer and more positive. A lot of my depression is gone. Also, for the last couple years Ive felt the left side of my body tightening and Ive constantly had the urge to stretch it. One doctor said I had Illio Tibial Syndrome and gave me stretches to do. A massage therapist/instructor said I had a fascia problem. Being treated by them helped very little. I underwent other unusual therapies, also with little results. But now Ive had a major shift and tremendous release on my left side, especially in the left hip and leg. I really cannot believe it. My left hip is so loose, lighter feeling and rounded out. I do massage therapy and for years have worked on myself. But now there is no need to work on these areas! CH, Streamwood, Illinois

Since initiating the Potentiation process 4 months ago, Ive experienced several rather profound changes. My hot flashes have subsided, which is a real relief and allows me to sleep better at night. Most of the arthritis in my hands and knees has cleared up, reducing my dependence on glucosamine. Ive gone through some detoxification and can sense more energy coming in through my chakras. PD, Waynesville, North Carolina

Since my Potentiation I feel great! I have loads of energy and generally feel balanced. During and just prior to my session last week, I felt immensely relaxed, deeply tranquil. This afternoon I plan to go jogging. I have strength that I havent felt in quite some time. Thank you so much for sharing your healing work with me and humanity. AA, Asheville, North Carolina

My Potentiation session was a transformative experience. I felt a deep connection, sort of the way one can feel an acupuncture needle activating a meridian point. I also felt, and continue to feel, a turning of the mind away from negativity, an enhanced ability to move out of, or not fall into, what I call 'bowling alley gutter mind.' ET, North Hampton, Massachusetts

Thanks for the wonderful Potentiation session last evening. I felt an armor (with lock and key) lift off my heart area with lots of emotional release. The emotion of FRUSTRATION kept coming up along with a HUGE wave of energy starting with my head, heart, stomach area and root chakra areas. I am very grateful for your wonderful healing abilities. CS, Atlanta, Georgia

I kept telling myself to just be open for the activating of my DNA and repatterning of my auric fields [with Potentiation]. I did have a couple of experiences during this time with you. First, I felt like there was a racetrack of energy surrounding my body. Second, about halfway through the session I broke out into a heavy, heavy sweat. Now, I was in very comfortable air-conditioning, so I have to assume there was something going on with my circuits! BN, Santa Monica, California

This is very exciting! I noticed that today, the day after my evening Potentiation session, my emotions seemed to be more on an even keel. I have always been more of an optimist than not, but depression has not been an unusual guest in my life the last several years. Its good to feel LIGHTER again. BY, Chicago, Illinois

Thank you so, so much for all your help! Youve truly been a blessing from God. The day after the Potentiation, my chronic rash disappeared 99.99%. The only thing that seemed to hang with me was a few small spots that only had an irritated sensation on an occasional basis. I feel that these spots are only energy vents, clearing out old residue. All in all I feel GREAT! The positive energy I feel has continually gone in a forward healing mode, which has been so exciting. THANK YOU SO MUCH again! LM, Sylva, North Carolina

My daughter was so pleased with her Potentiation results I had to try it. I had severe food allergies that had escalated through the years to the point where I could barely eat anything without discomfort. Within the first month after Potentiation, I found myself able to add more foods to my diet. It has now been two months since my session, and I feel I've improved at least 70%. I'm 82 years old and to see my health improve so fast is thrilling. LH, Sylva, North Carolina

Things have certainly been interesting in the three months since my Potentiation. I can see things leaving me: emotions, thought patterns, excess weight, old illnesses I didnt know my body was holding onto, less than helpful 'friends,' unused clothes and household items, and just all manner of dross and debris. Thank you! AH, Gastonia, North Carolina

Since my session Ive felt wonderful. Ive been trying several therapies, but I know Potentiation has been the catalyst for any real healing. I just attended an amazing lecture by Dr. Len Horowitz, who explained how DNA is really just an antenna to receive love and light from the Creator, that all healing comes from these higher energies, and that when our DNA gets clouded with chemicals, toxicity and negativity, it shuts off our connection with the universe and ability to heal ourselves. SM, Denver, Colorado


I have experienced much shifting since the Articulation session. I am releasing energies and experiencing much more 'happy' states and balanced states. Feelings I have never, in this lifetimes memory, experienced before. I have seen the perfect atonement since the session and have much to look forward to in continuing to work with you and your sessions. I am already excited to be in contact with you for the next session when that time calls. Your beautiful work and sharing of your gifts is a blessing to all. JS, Hartford, Connecticut


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Many thanks & blessings for helping us help people actualize their potential!